As the world progresses towards a highly automated future, the demand for skilled professionals in robotics is rising. In this article, designed as a career hub, we will explore the essential technical training and practical insights needed to prepare professionals and students for a career in robotics. We will examine the challenges and opportunities in this evolving field and highlight the importance of combining technical skills with soft skills and entrepreneurship for creating innovative solutions, staying current with the field’s rapid advancements, and supporting the emergence of new job roles.   

What are the essential skills and qualifications for pursuing a career in Robotics?  

If you want to pursue a career in robotics, a mix of technical knowledge, creative problem-solving, and insight into future needs is required. Technical skills are essential for robotics, particularly proficiency in programming languages, which are commonly used to code robot behaviours and functions.  

Additionally, understanding mechanics, modelling and simulation is central for developing and implementing automation solutions. A strong understanding of AI robot technologies, including machine learning and computer vision, will provide a competitive edge, enabling engineers to create intelligent, adaptive robots. 

Understanding manufacturing systems is crucial, especially for those keen on manufacturing and production environments. Beyond technical competencies, soft skills are also playing a role. Problem-solving and critical thinking are essential, as robotics often involves troubleshooting complex systems and devising innovative solutions.  

Robotics engineers must also be adaptable and committed to continuous learning. The field is rapidly evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly. For example, the MSc in Human-Robot Interaction for Sustainable Manufacturing tackles modern industrial engineering challenges, making manufacturing more sustainable, adaptable, and efficient. It integrates cutting-edge automation systems and robotics with the evolving needs of the present and future workforce. 

Three career paths in the field of Robotics 

The field of robotics offers a multitude of career paths, each with unique opportunities and challenges. Here are three prominent options: 

Robotics Engineer 

As a robotics engineer, you will be involved in designing, building, and testing robots. This role often requires working with both hardware and software components, creating robots that can perform specific tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously. As an engineer in the field, you may specialize in various sectors like industrial automation, healthcare and consumer electronics. You can work on designing robots capable of collaborative interactions with human workers. 

Automation Engineer 

As an automation engineer you will focus on implementing and maintaining automated systems within industrial settings. This role involves optimizing industrial automation processes, developing robotic process automation solutions, and ensuring the seamless operation of automated production lines. You can apply your knowledge of human-robot interaction to create efficient and safe production processes. 

Entrepreneur/Start-up Founder 

The robotics industry is filled with opportunities for innovation. Starting a company or developing a unique solution within the robotics domain is a great opportunity for people with a deep understanding of innovative technology trends, who may choose to start their own companies, focusing on creating and commercializing advanced manufacturing solutions among others. Entrepreneurs in robotics are focused on creating new robotic products, developing advanced AI robots, or offering intelligent automation solutions tailored to specific industries. One real-world example is Megi Mejdrechová, who co-founded RoboTwin, a startup pioneering human-centric automation solutions. She shared her journey and career path with us in our latest blog article, which you can read by clicking here

How Robotics will shape careers in the next decade 

The impact of robotics on society is undeniable, and as technology continues to evolve, so do the opportunities in the job market. From cobot programmers to AI specialists, new roles are emerging to meet the demand for efficiency and innovation. The need for professionals skilled in developing and maintaining advanced robotic systems is on the rise. 

Moreover, robotics and robotic process automation are transforming traditional jobs, particularly in manufacturing and production. Tasks that were once manual and repetitive are now automated, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. However, this shift also necessitates upskilling and reskilling for the existing workforce.  

Finally, a stronger collaboration between professionals from diverse fields, including software engineering, mechanical engineering, and industrial design, will be needed to develop and implement robotic systems. This trend underscores the importance of cross-functional skills and the ability to work in collaborative environments.  

At the EIT Campus, we provide essential resources and upskilling opportunities to help you stay up to date with the latest trends in robotics. Our course catalogue includes offerings such as “Effects of Technologies: Collaborative Robotics” and “Quality Control & Safety”, along with many other programs designed to equip you with a blend of technical expertise, soft skills, and an entrepreneurial mindset. 

What additional skills do you believe are crucial for those pursuing a career in this field? Share your thoughts in the comments!